Triaxial 20kHz sensor per X,Y & Z axis + temperature +/-400g
Full Spectrum Data sampled for 6 seconds providing a combined 360,000 data points in a single sample using the highest quality Triaxial sensor collection 30,000 data records per X, Y, Z Axis at 20 kHz we then down sample to 5kHz.
SX3 is more than just a sensor – The success of a scalable solution relies on the sophisticated SX3 technology stack. Multiple points of edge processing and QOS of data/packet validation/ insert – job load balancing and reties, across available long-range gateways on the SX3 WABN™ Wide Area Bluetooth Network.
We have been asked – why do you have a wire on a wireless sensor; the answer is simple.
✔ Create the smallest footprint for a sensor to go directly on the part or bearing housing where it is needed.
✔ Place Sensor behind safety shields and still achieve great RF signal.
✔ Maximize the opportunity for success by bringing the sensor data out to the Communication TAG and placing the TAG for best results and RF response.
✔ If the Sensor gets damaged in the equipment repair process – replace just the Sensor – the TAG stays and does not need to be reprovisioned lowering total cost of ownership and reducing wasted additional setup time or system maintenance.
✔ Place all Tags in an area safe and easy to access – makes battery replacement simple and easy to maintain.