The Industrial Internet of Things is loosely used. Your new digital platform should provide you with a wide range of digital transformation opportunities – not just a single sensor or siloed solution.

IIoT is by nature designed to provide visibility through decentralized data, providing actionable insights into your business and processes.

Too many systems are being sold as a single siloed solution, promising to save you millions, using catchy phrases.

By investing in a real IIoT solution you should be deploying a system that caters for a complete technology stack, to meet your current and future needs.

Your IIoT vendor needs to be a partner that will expand capabilities for all your wireless data requirements both in IT and OT.

While one of the solutions driving industrial data collection is vibration analytics for Asset health, this is only a small portion of what a full technology stack can provide you.

Most rotating equipment vibration monitoring solutions even fall far behind any level of replacement of a manual vibration handheld route – not to mention go nowhere towards digital transformation.

The infrastructure costs of an IIoT system are an investment – make sure your money is well spent and has the ability to support your future needs.

SpaceSense Long Range WABN™ (Wide Area Bluetooth Network) with full stack management and edge processing allows extensive support over the deployed IIoT network, high volume data providing scalability, redundancy and future proofing your investment.

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