Don’t Make Decisions on “Quality and Production Planning” Based on Insufficient Data
Wondering why even with your periodic handheld data collectors– your ASSETS are still failing in advance of repair. Are you still in reactionary mode instead of Planning outages? It this affecting your bottom line in unplanned downtime of your production line and increased costs from repair and maintenance, not to mention reducing the expected life of your assets?
We have found by stacking the SX3 wireless autonomous Vibration Sensor against Manual routes taken with Sophisticated periodic handheld data collectors that generally Manual routes are taken at 1,800 lines of spectral resolution – Compared with the SX3 wireless always on 11,780.
This is not because the periodic handheld data collectors cannot do this level of resolution, it just takes longer to take measurements manually which restricts the number of pieces of Equipment that can be manually tested in a day making the cost even more excessive.
What does this mean – in layman’s terms it means the amplitude of the visual vibration FFT is reduced by almost 1/3 under the lower 1,800 line of resolution, making the inspection review less concerning as to the significance of the fault.
If you want to reduce your manual route costs, cover more plant assets and have better resolutions– increase the time available to fix or plan for faults, then install the highest resolution Wireless vibration Sensors on the market today – The SX3 disruptive solution gets you there faster, autonomously and with real-time fault results allowing you to plan rather than react.
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